Saturday 8 December 2007

Free Fitness Gifts from over 250 Fitness Professionals


I decided to get a headstart on everyone else this year by making sure that I was the very first person you know to start giving out Christmas presents, and what a present I have got for you!

I've been asked by my personal trainer friends Dax Moy and Pat Rigsby to contribute a very special e-Book and e-Course that I've just finished working on called "Build Muscle Faster - how to build muscle and burn fat!" to their 12 Days of Fitness Gift-Giving Program.

Most of you know me for my fat loss programs and nutrition tips and might think that this offer is not for you. Hold that thought for a minute and bear with me because I have another great of news especially for you, so read on, or you'll miss out on the best part of this email!

For those of you who are on my muscle-building programs, Build Muscle Faster is a 22 week fitness training system and nutrition program designed to build muscle fast... without any illegal drugs or over hyped supplements.

It is an instantly downloadable e-book written with the beginner in mind but contains cutting-edge training and nutritional information that even the experienced gym goer can benefit from.

But whilst I'm pretty excited about being able to offer you my gift, I'm absolutely over the moon that I've been chosen as one of a handpicked group of just 250 health and fitness experts from all around the world to participate in the largest gift-giving program ever, in any industry...and YOU get to be a part of it because you have either worked with me before, or you have signed up for my newsletter!

This means that, as well as getting your gift from me, you'll be able to download a sackful of videos, audios, ebooks and special reports on just about every area of health and fitness from Diet to Nutrition, Fat loss to Strength training, Back pain to Busy Mum's fitness and just about EVERYTHING in between.

I believe this is the most amazing collection of fitness gifts ever put together.

As a matter of fact, I have even signed up for this gift program, as well, because of the tremendous things I will learn from it!

Seriously, Dax and Pat have ensured that only the very best quality gifts have been allowed into this year's gift-giving, meaning that many of the contributors have created gifts that you would happily pay for but you get each and every one of them for free!

All you have to do to get your hands on my e-Book and e-Course (and the other couple of HUNDREDs of amazing gifts, of course) is pop on over and register your name and email address at and you'll get the whole lot delivered to you with my compliments by way of thanks for being a subscriber to my WorkOutSmarter Fitness newsletter!

Don't miss out!

Get on over to now! : )

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Saturday 27 January 2007

"What is the Perfect Rep Range for Building Muscle Fast?"

Everyone who is new to training and who’s goal is to build strong lean muscles wants to know the best method to build muscles fast.

If you ask any of the experienced lifters in your local gym they will each give you their “secret” of how they have got big. They will each come up with different rep ranges. Then if you pick up any fitness magazine each writer has their own opinion of what the "perfect" rep range should be to allow for maximum muscle stimulation and growth.

In this article I’m going to clear up the confusion once and for all and reveal what I believe to be the most effective rep range possible for maximizing your results in the gym.

Before doing so let’s go back a stage to explain what a “rep” and a “set” actually is.

Rep stands for Repetition. Whenever you lift and lower a weight then that is classed as one rep.
A Set is simply a combination of repetitions.
In a weightlifting program you will often see exercise descriptions saying something like Bench Press 3 x 10. What this means that you will do three sets of 10 repetitions for the Bench Press.

Sets of 12-15 Reps are best for developing muscular endurance. You will experience some muscle growth with high-rep sets like these, especially when you are a beginner.

A set of 8-12 Reps is the classic bodybuilding configuration and over time have become the gold standard for muscle-building programs. Medium-rep medium weight sets are ideal for stimulating growth hormones and testosterone. Growth hormones and testosterone are your body’s most important muscle-building hormones.

Using heavy weights with a low rep range of 3 to 6 Repetitions will help you build much more muscle and build it much faster.

This means that the weight should be light enough that you can complete 3 reps using proper form, but heavy enough that you cannot complete more than 6.

What's so special about 3 to 6, you ask? Well…

1) Each set will only last between 12-24 seconds.

Maximizing your muscle gains is all about intensity and efficiency. By utilizing a lower rep range, your sets will only last a short period of time, allowing you to generate 100% mental focus and effort.

Training with 100% intensity is critical to stimulating muscle growth and it is much easier to maintain this level of effort for shorter periods of time.

2) Muscle stimulation will be maximized.

Utilizing a rep range of 3 to 6 will result in the greatest amount of muscle growth and strength gain possible.

3) Maximum resistance can be used.

Please note that although I have just told you the best repetition range for muscle-growth, this does not mean that you should just lift weights in this rep range.

Unfortunately it is not that simple.

It is important to have a workout program created for you that incorporates a range of different rep ranges.

In a future post I will explain this process further.

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Sunday 21 January 2007

Build Muscle Fast Naturally

Open up any of the popular men and women’s health magazines and you will be faced with their claim that they have found the quickest and easiest way to build muscle fast.

What they forget to tell you in the majority of the health magazines today is that they are owned by big nutritional supplement companies and as such it will be suggested that you will have to consume XYZ brand of nutritional supplements.

If you are serious about building muscle then the best way to build muscle fast is to learn the proper diet and exercise methods needed to force your body to add muscle naturally.

The simplest way to encourage your body to grow muscle fast is to subject your body to higher levels of stress than it is accustomed to. You can achieve this effectively if you incorporate one or more of the following things into your training program:
  • increase resistance or weight while training,
  • do more sets,
  • do more repetitions,
  • rest less between sets, and
  • move the resistance slower than usual.

These are basic suggestions and I suggest that you should use one or more of these suggestions and adapt them to meet your personal training goals.

If you really want to build muscles, then it is vitally important that you do not ignore the importance of a good nutrition plan.

There are certain foods that you have to be eating to enable you maintain or add weight without losing muscle mass. You will quickly discover the need to increase the number of calories you consume each day if you are working out to build muscles.

My advice is you should eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, meats and fish and healthy fats to ensure that you nourish your body with a wide range of vitamins and minerals that your body requires to help it build lean muscle mass.

Five to six smaller meals a day usually works better for you than three large meals.


Tuesday 16 January 2007

Welcome to the Build Muscle Faster Blog

The purpose of this blog is to provide you with the latest cutting edge muscle building tips
